HIV PACT Webinars

Year 3: 


Year 2: 




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Year 1: 


HIV Chapter Forum

NHMA's National HIV Testing Day Twitter Chat on June 27 featured an online discussion on best practices to increase routine HIV testing in patients.


NHMA's Cinco de Mayo and new office housewarming on May 5, 2022 featured an insightful health literacy training led by D.C. Chapter Leader Dr. Rimola and Dr. Vargas-Jackson.


March 8th, 2022: PrEP for it: Integrating HIV Prevention Into Your Practice

June 24th, 2021: One Year Later: How COVID Impacted HIV Testing in the Latino Community

December 1st, 2020: When Two Pandemics Meet: HIV and COVID-19 in the Hispanic LGBTQ Community

April 17th, 2020: National Transgender HIV Testing Day Webinar